Privacy Notice

Challoch Energy in partnership with Nuvision Energy Wales has been commissioned by Bridgend County Borough Council to establish an Energy Efficiency Advice And Guidance resource for homeowners and businesses within the County Borough of Bridgend to help them reduce their carbon emissions and energy bills.  

The project is supported by the UK Government's Levelling Up Fund.

The aim of the project is to explore the appetite of homeowners and businesses to be able to access a service that provides impartial information, advice and support to help householders and businesses to overcome the challenges that they face in moving their premises to green sustainable technologies.

As part of this project, Nuvision Energy Wales Limited (Company Number: 10681615) will be gathering information for Challoch Energy through online and face-to-face surveys to gauge opinions of individuals. Challoch Energy will be the Data Controllers for the project and Nuvision Energy Wales will process data on behalf of the project team.
The information collected during the study will be anonymised and stored securely for the duration of the study and deleted within six months of the study being concluded. 

Your participation in this project is completely voluntary. However, your views and experiences are important in order to help inform and shape the study.
The contact for this project at Nuvision Energy Wales is Dr Robert W. Francis:
E-mail address: robert.francis@nuvisionenergywales.co.uk
Telephone number: 07989 587 416

Further information on Data Protection can be found on Bridgend County Borough Council’s web page. 


What personal data do we hold and where do we get this information?
Personal data is defined under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified by reference to an identifier’.

Nuvision Energy Wales will use your personal contact data (name, email address and telephone number) for the purpose of contacting you to participate in an online home survey. Nuvision Energy Wales have accessed your contact details by one of the following means:
  • You have responded to a Nuvision Energy Wales Facebook advertisement.
  • You provided your contact details to Nuvision Energy Wales at an event.
  • You have directly contacted Nuvision Energy Wales for the purpose of the survey.
Your participation is voluntary and if you do not wish to take part or be sent reminders then please reply to the invitation email and your details will be removed. Nuvision Energy Wales will only use your email address and telephone number for the purposes of this study.

If you choose to provide additional personal data as part of the project we will not use it to identify you from, or link your identity to, the responses you provide. 

What is the lawful basis for using your data?
The lawful basis for processing information in this data collection exercise is your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting Dr Robert W. Francis on 07989 587 416.

Participation is completely voluntary. Your data will be collected by Nuvision Energy Wales Ltd and will only be shared with Challoch Energy.

How secure is your personal data?
Personal information provided to the project consortium is always stored on a secure server. The data can only be accessed by a limited number of researchers working on this project. Any paperwork relating to the project will be kept under lock in the project consortium’s offices. The project consortium will only use this data for purposes of this project.

The project consortium has procedures to deal with any suspected data security breaches. If a suspected breach occurs, we will report this to Bridgend County Borough Council who will notify you and any applicable regulator where we are legally required to do so. 

All data gathered through this project will be reported in an anonymised format. It will not contain your contact details and any identifiable information in open-ended answers will be removed. The project consortium will use the information gathered to help in deciding the best course of action in setting up an energy advice and support service in the County Borough of Bridgend. This study will not include any information that could be used to identify individual participants. 

How long do we keep your personal data? 
The project consortium will hold personal data during the project period and any personal data not already removed during this phase will be within six months after the end of the project. This includes your contact details.

Individual rights
Under UK GDPR, you have the following rights in relation to the personal information you provide as part of this evaluation, you have the right:
  • To access a copy of your own data; 
  • For us to rectify inaccuracies in that data;
  • To object to or restrict processing (in certain circumstances);
  • For your data to be ‘erased’ (in certain circumstances); and
  • To lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is our independent regulator for data protection.
The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Phone: 01625 545 745 or 0303 123 1113. Website: www.ico.org.uk

Further Information
If you have any further questions about how the data provided as part of this project will be used by the project team or wish to exercise your rights using the UK General Data Protection Regulation, please contact:

Name: Dr Robert W. Francis
E-mail address: robert.francis@nuvisionenergywales.co.uk
Telephone number: 07989 587 416

Further details on Data Protection can be found on Bridgend County Borough Council’s web site: Click Here

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