South Cornelly Low Carbon Communities

South Cornelly Low Carbon Communities Project

Thank you for participating in the Low Carbon Communities (LCC) Project and welcome to the Nuvision Energy (Wales) SolarVenti homeowners page. We are grateful that you have welcomed us into your home and have allowed us to set up the SolarVenti equipment as part of the LCC South Cornelly trial.

On this page you should be able to find all the information you need for the duration of the project. This includes links to information about the project as a whole, specific information about the SolarVenti equipment and a place for you to contact us with any queries you may have.

We would also welcome any ongoing suggestions from you as to how we could improve your experience as a valued participant in our project.

Need to contact us for help with your home?  Click on the blue button below to be taken to our helpdesk. Once you are there, click 'New Support Ticket' and enter the details it asks for as well as the issues you experience. We will then contact you through email as soon as we can.  You are not required to log in to submit a ticket.
Need help from us? Click here

Why South Cornelly?

South Cornelly has been chosen as the site for the first Low Carbon Communities demonstration project and interested homeowners such as yourself have been invited to take part.

South Cornelly’s location and structure make it ideal for the following reasons:

  • The village is geographically distinct without any ribbon development.
  • The village is electrically distinct, served by one substation.
  • The village contains houses with the right orientation for solar energy.
  • The village is a manageable site for the demonstration project.

Background to the project

Low Carbon Communities is an initiative launched by Bridgend County Borough Council to empower local communities to produce and share renewable electricity amongst participating households whilst helping to fight the climate crisis. 

Following a survey of your home, you were selected to participate in the project and have been provided with solar panels or solar-based ventilation in order  to explore the potential to share the benefits and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions including carbon.

The Low Carbon Communities Initiative is being developed by the council in conjunction with several partners: Challoch Energy, Nuvision Energy (Wales) Ltd and Passiv UK.

How will the project as a whole work?

Solar panels or solar-based ventilation has been fitted to a small number of carefully selected houses in South Cornelly.  In addition, batteries will be installed in some houses and others connected to the local power grid to help balance the supply and demand of power within the community. The project will investigate how electricity produced can potentially be shared with the other members of the Low Carbon Community.

The partners will use findings from these installations along with digital simulations of the village to help understand how a local energy market can help the community to transition to a low carbon future.

To find out more please visit the Bridgend County Borough Council website 

“Ventilation as a service” – why do we want to trial Solar Venti ?

Because of Covid, we are all only too aware of the vital importance to our health of ventilation in our homes and working environments. At Nuvision Energy Wales, we aim  to deliver more than energy measures alone by placing the health and wellbeing of yourselves, our participating homeowners, at the heart of our decarbonisation solution in addition to protecting the fabric of your home.

The starting point for our project is a recognition that many UK homes are damp, with poor air quality. As homes become more energy efficient and air-tight there is a growing need to install ventilation that will prevent a gradual deterioration in air quality and appearance. However, we believe that electrically powered ventilation systems are not the answer, because they require a lot of electricity to run and therefore could have a significant negative impact on the ability of the local energy system to function. Soaring energy costs are also a real concern for homeowners and we are therefore also  seeking to establish what contribution warm air ventilation will make in reducing your energy bills.

The data you kindly allow us to collect from this trial will also help us determine the size of a heat pump needed to replace a gas fired boiler as BCBC develop their decarbonisation agenda ,within the UK target of zero carbon by 2050. 


How does SolarVenti work?

The system , developed in Denmark and installed on over 80,000 buildings worldwide, comprises a roof or wall mounted solar ventilation panel that blows warm, fresh, filtered air into our homes to reduce humidity and remove organic compounds.

1st April 2022 - Low Carbon Communities Event

The Low Carbon Communities team are hosting an event at the Cornelly Community Centre from 6pm to 8pm on the 1st April where we will be giving a presentation of our work on the South Cornelly project. 

Trialists are invited to attend where you will have an opportunity to meet other residents on the project and to find out more about where the project might go over the next few years.  

We look forward to seeing you all at the event.

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